Dated: [15 March 2023]
【2023 年 3 月 15 日】
_____COMPANY NAME_______
1 The Supplier has signed the Marketplace Terms&Conditions ("T&C") online with Caigo Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 60 681 769 853), an Affiliate of Caigo China, on [25/10/2024]. In order to improve the quality of service, Caigo China, upon obtaining authorization(see annex 1) from Caigo Australia Pty Ltd, enters into this Agreement with the Supplier for specific services. This Agreement is an integral part of T&C.
供应商已于2024 年 10 月 25 日与 Caigo China 的关联公司 Caigo Australia Pty Ltd(澳大利亚工商注册号为 ABN 60 681 769 853)在线上签署《用户协议》(“T&C”)。为提升服务质量,Caigo China 在取得 Caigo Australia Pty Ltd 授权后(详见附件一),与中国供应商就具体服务事项签署本协议。本协议是 T&C 不可分割的一部分。
2 This Agreement governs Party B’s use of the Caigo platform, accessible at ("Platform") and any goods or services made available through the Platform. By using the Platform, Party B agrees to be bound by this Agreement which forms a binding contractual agreement between Party B, the User, and Party A.
本协议规范乙方对 Caigo 平台(网址为“平台”)以及通过平台提供的任何商品或服务的使用。通过使用平台,乙方同意受本协议约束,本协议构成乙方和甲方之间具有约束力的协议。
As a supplier, Party B shall abide by all clauses of this Agreement in addition to the T&C signed with Caigo Australia Pty Ltd.
作为供应商,乙方除了应当遵守其与 Caigo Pty Ltd 签署的《用户协议》外,还应当遵守本协议的约定。
In accordance with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B reach the following agreement through negotiation:
Party B must verify that any Customer is a commercial entity established according to the law in the country(region) where the entity is located.
Party B shall submit to Party A all qualifications, certificates or other relevant documents, including but not limited to:
In addition to the power of attorney, Party B shall submit to Party A a hard copy of the above documents which is consistent with the original and affixed with Party B's official seal. Party B warrants that it shall immediately notify Party A of any changes or updates to the aforementioned supporting documents and shall submit the updated documents within ten working days from the date of such change or update.
Party B’s Account with us as a Supplier will grant Party B access to the functionalities set out on the Platform. Such functionalities include but are not limited to the right to view tender requests posted by Customers (in these Terms referred to as ‘Listings’) and respond to or bid on such Listings.
乙方以供应商身份在 Caigo 开立的账号将允许乙方访问平台上规定的功能。该等功能包括但不限于查看采购商发布的招标文件(在该等条款中称为“标书”)以及对该等标书作出回应或投标的权利。
Party B acknowledges and agrees that:
Caigo reserves the right to change or waive the Subscription Fee or Introduction Fee (together with the “Fees”) at any time by updating this Agreement on the Platform.
Caigo 保留随时通过在平台上更新本协议的方式变更或免除订阅费或介绍费(合称“费用”)的权利。
Includes authorization from Caigo Australia Pty Ltd.
[Caigo China]
Dated: 3/11/25
【2025 年 3 月 2025 日】
by and between
签订This Agreement governs Party B’s use of the Caigo platform, accessible at ("Platform") and any goods or services made available through the Platform. By using the Platform, Party B agrees to be bound by this Agreement which forms a binding contractual agreement between Party B, the User, and Party A. 本协议规范乙方对 Caigo 平台(网址为“平台”)以及通过平台提供的任何商品 或服务的使用。通过使用平台,乙方同意受本协议约束,本协议构成乙方和甲方之间具有约束力的协议。
As a supplier, Party B shall abide by all clauses of this Agreement in addition to the T&C signed with Caigo Australia Pty Ltd. 作为供应商,乙方除了应当遵守其与 Caigo Pty Ltd 签署的《用户协议》外,还应当遵守本协议的约定。
In accordance with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B reach the following agreement through negotiation:
Party B must verify that any Customer is a commercial entity established according to the law in the country(region) where the entity is located.
Party B shall submit to Party A all qualifications, certificates or other relevant documents, including but not limited to:
Business license;
Legal representative’s ID card (front and back);
Power of Attorney and the representative’s ID card (front and back);
Bank account opening certificate;
In addition to the power of attorney, Party B shall submit to Party A a hard copy of the above documents which is consistent with the original and affixed with Party B's official seal. Party B warrants that it shall immediately notify Party A of any changes or updates to the aforementioned supporting documents and shall submit the updated documents within ten working days from the date of such change or update.
以上证明文件,除授权委托书外,乙方应向甲方提交与原件核对一致且加盖乙方公章的纸质复印 件。乙方保证前述证明文件发生任何变更或更新时应当立即通知甲方,并于变更或更新之日起十个 工作日内向甲方提交更新后的文件。
Party B’s Account with us as a Supplier will grant Party B access to the functionalities set out on the Platform. Such functionalities include but are not limited to the right to view tender requests posted by Customers (in these Terms referred to as ‘Listings’) and respond to or bid on such Listings.
乙方以供应商身份在 Caigo开立的账号将允许乙方访问平台上规定的功能。该等功能包括但不限于查 看采购商发布的招标文件(在该等条款中称为“标书”)以及对该等标书作出回应或投标的权利。
Party B acknowledges and agrees that:
If Party B tenders a listing ("Listing" or "Project") and Party B’s tender is accepted by a Customer, that will constitute Party B’s intention to enter into a contract with the Customer;
如果乙方就采购商的标书(“标书”或“项目”)进行投标且乙方的投标被采购商接受, 这将构成乙方与采购商签订合同的合意;
If Party B’s tender is accepted by a Customer, Caigo will accept an Introduction Fee (defined in clause 4.3 below);
如果采购商接受乙方的投标, Caigo 将收取介绍费(定义见本合同项下第 4.3 条);
Delivery of Goods to Customers is the responsibility of the Supplier, and specifics of the extent of delivery will be made clear by the Supplier using the INCOTERMS 2020;
向采购商交付货物是供应商的责任,供应商将使用《2020 国际贸易术语解释通则》明确交 付范围的具体规定;
Party B may charge for delivery of Goods to the Customer as part of a tender, and such amount shall form part of the Agreed Contract Price (defined in clause 4.3 below), however, the amount charged for delivery must be reasonable;
作为投标的一部分,乙方可以就向采购商交付货物收取费用,该金额应构成约定的合同价 格(定义见本合同项下第 4.3 条)的一部分,但交付费用的金额必须合理;
Party B must take all reasonable steps to provide the Goods as requested in every Listing posted by a Customer and as quoted for by Party B in Party B’s tender, including by not cancelling any part of an accepted Listing;
乙方必须采取所有合理措施,按照采购商发布的标书以及乙方的投标报价提供货物,包括 禁止取消已接受的部分标书;
Any additional terms and conditions relating to a Listing or quote provided via the Platform are solely between Party B and the Customer and do not involve Caigo in any way, except that they must not be inconsistent with either party’s obligations under this Agreement;
通过平台提供的与标书或报价有关的任何附加条款和条件仅在乙方与采购商之间进行,不 以任何方式涉及 Caigo,但该等附加条款和条件不得与任何一方在本协议项下的义务相冲 突;
Caigo will have no responsibility for the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of the content provided by a Customer in a Listing, and the Supplier must take steps to independently verify the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such content.
Caigo 对采购商在标书中提供的内容的准确性、可靠性或及时性不承担任何责任,而供应 商必须采取措施独立核实该等内容的准确性、可靠性或及时性。
The Supplier may (at Caigo’s discretion) be offered a 3-month free trial period to use the Platform and its functionality (“Free Trial”). During the Free Trial, the Supplier will have access to all features and capabilities of the Platform and will not be charged the Subscription Fee for such access or use;
供应商可以(根据 Caigo 的决定)获得为期三个月的免费试用期以使用平台及其功能 (“免费试用”)。在免费试用期间,供应商可以使用平台的所有特性和功能,并且不会 因此被收取订阅费;
The Introduction Fee as set out in clause 4.3 will be charged during the Free Trial and in accordance with clause 4.3;
在免费试用期间仍将根据本协议项下第 4.3 条的规定收取介绍费;
Upon expiration of the Free Trial, the Supplier may elect to terminate their subscription or convert to a paid subscription in accordance with clause 4.2.
在免费试用期满后,供应商可以选择终止订阅或根据本协议项下第 4.2 条的规定转为付费 订阅。
To continue to view the Platform and access its functionalities following the expiry of the Free Trial, the Supplier must pay the subscription fee as set out from time to time on the Platform or as otherwise communicated by Caigo (“Subscription Fee”);
为了在免费试用期满后继续浏览平台并使用平台功能,供应商必须按照 Caigo 在平台上不 时调整的或另行通知的收费标准,向甲方支付订阅费(“订阅费”);
The Subscription Fee will be charged annually. Party B shall pay a one-time membership fee of RMB 10,000 per year to Party A within 5 working days after signing this Agreement.
订阅费将按年收取。乙方应当在本协议签订后 5 个工作日内,向甲方一次性缴纳订阅费 人 民币 10,000 元/年。
The information of the beneficiary bank account designated by Party A is:
户 名:彩购网络科技(深圳)有限公司
账 号:622204998001
The Subscription Fee will automatically renew on the anniversary date of the initial Subscription Fee payment (“Renewal Date”) unless the Supplier terminates their subscription at least 21 calendar days prior to the Renewal Date;
订阅费将在首次订阅费支付的周年日(“续期日期”)自动续期,除非供应商在续期日期 前至少 21 个日历日终止订阅费;
If Party B applies for the Free Trial, it shall still pay the Subscription fee to Party A within 5 working days after signing this Agreement. If Party B decides not to subscript upon expiration of the Free Trial, it must submit a written refund application to Party A, and Party A shall review and refund the subscription fee to Party B's original payment account within 30 days.
如乙方申请免费试用期的,仍需在本协议签订后 5 个工作日内向甲方支付订阅费。如乙方 在免费试用期满后决定不再订阅的,则必须向甲方提交书面退款申请,甲方应在 30 日内审 核并将订阅费退还至乙方原付款账户。
If the Supplier accepts a Customer’s Listing using the functionality provided on the Platform, the Supplier must pay an introduction fee to Caigo, calculated in accordance with clause 4.3(b) (“Introduction Fee”);
如果乙方接受采购商使用平台提供的功能提交的标书,乙方必须向 Caigo 支付介绍费 (“介绍费”);
The Introduction Fee (Tax excluded) will be calculated on 2% of the contract price agreed between the Customer and Supplier on the Platform (“Agreed Contract Price”). For example, if the Agreed Contract Price is RMB10,000, the Introduction Fee shall be RMB10,000×2%=RMB200. The Agreed Contract Price must be communicated to Caigo on the earlier of:
不含税介绍费将根据乙方和采购商在平台上约定的合同价格(“约定合同价格”)的 2%进 行计算。例如:约定合同价格为人民币 10,000 元,介绍费应为人民币 10,000 元×2%=200 元。约定合同价格必须在以下日期(以较早日期为准)通知 Caigo:
(i) 30 calendar days of contract formation;
合同签订后 30 个日历日;
(ii) 10 calendar days of receiving a deposit from the Buyer
收到买方支付的定金后 10 个日历日。
Upon receiving the Agreed Contract Price Notice from the Customer, Caigo will issue an invoice to the Supplier for the Introduction Fee (“Introduction Fee Invoice”). The Supplier must pay the Introduction Fee in accordance with each Introduction Fee Invoice, and the tax is borne by the Supplier separately;
在收到采购商发出的约定合同价格通知后, Caigo 将向供应商开具介绍费发票(“介绍费 发票”)。供应商必须按照开票金额支付介绍费,税费由供应商另行承担;
If the Supplier disputes the Agreed Contract Price as communicated to Caigo by the Customer, the Supplier must notify Caigo and the Customer of the dispute within 3 Business Days of receipt of the relevant Introduction Fee Invoice. The parties will liaise in good faith to resolve the dispute in accordance with clause Error! Reference source not found. or Error! Reference source not found.;
如果供应商对采购商向 Caigo 通知的约定合同价格提出异议,供应商必须在收到相关介绍 费发票后的 3 个营业日内通知 Caigo 和采购商。双方将根据本协议项下第 13 条或 A 部分的 规定善意沟通解决争议;
The Supplier acknowledges and agrees that the Introduction Fee is intended to compensate Caigo for introducing the Parties and will be charged even where the introduction does not result in:
供应商承认并同意,介绍费旨在补偿 Caigo 介绍双方的行为,即使该介绍未导致以下结果, 也将收取介绍费:
(i) contract formation;
(ii) the satisfaction of the terms of any such contract.
Caigo reserves the right to change or waive the Subscription Fee or Introduction Fee (together with the “Fees”) at any time by updating this Agreement on the Platform.
Caigo 保留随时通过在平台上更新本协议的方式变更或免除订阅费或介绍费(合称“费用”)的权 利。